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Outdoors, Travel, and the English Language - Get to know about Shauna

Outdoors, Travel, and the English Language - Get to know about Shauna


Shauna is a teeny tiny bit of a grammar geek and thrives on making the English language sound more exciting and clear. She is passionate about correct grammar and articulation and is relentless in seeking out unnecessary commas or incorrect punctuation in papers and documents. I sure as heck better make sure there aren't any grammatical errors in this story, or she will find them and circle them and highlight them, and the page will be covered in red underline marks and grammatical corrections. Nothing gets by Shauna!


Shauna is pretty sure she was a naturopath in another life because she is a self-proclaimed health nut and loves researching the best natural solutions for almost any kind of issue and eating as pure as possible. She loves getting out for a cycle, gardening, and reading and can usually be found lounging in sporty gear or jeans and a sweatshirt, flaunting her casual hairstyle, a blond ponytail. When asked about her hair routine, she simply said, quarterly. 


Cherished childhood memories include traveling the length of Europe with her family in a VW bug, with the suitcases strapped to the top. That might explain why her favorite line from her favorite movie is: "The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we are getting out of here!" -Finding Nemo.

Shauna's most significant career accomplishments happen when she sees a student that she has tutored or taught really understand a new concept, particularly in the English language or with their own reading or writing. Her degree is in Education and History, with a certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Having helped many high school and university students with their English, particularly in reading and writing, has helped Shauna hone her own level of writing. "I always aim to be ready to answer any grammar or English question my students may ask," she said, "and if I don't have the answer, I research it until I can give them one." 


More recently, Shauna has added editing and writing at an academic level to her work experience, which perfectly fits her role as a grant writer and editor here at Kaci. 

"The people here at Kaci are great!" She said, "Everyone brings something different to the organization, and together it's a beautiful group of people making a difference in the world!

What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life." and "Put the teabag in before you add the hot water."

If you could invent a holiday, what would it be?  It would definitely involve lots of exercise during the days, like hiking or cycling or canoeing, with really yummy, healthy food (that I didn't have to cook) and wine in the evenings. 

If you weren't so damn good at your job?: I'd probably be a hairdresser (though she wouldn't get many clients like herself if she only hits the salon quarterly! ;)  

Your favorite word in the English language?: My favorite word in the English language absolutely cannot compete with Matthew's word, BARTHOLOMEW, so I'm going to pass ;)

What's the most inspiring part of your job? The most inspiring part is knowing that my small contribution of writing or editing will assist great organizations or charities get funding to do even more amazing things and help some more amazing people.

Your favorite quote? "Do for the one what you wish you could do for the many."

Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books? Top podcast: "That sounds fun," by Annie F Downs, Top book: depends on the flair of the week, way too many to list.

What are the values that drive you? Faith, encouraging those around me, helping people in need, loving and supporting my family.

Pets? Tod, our ten-year-old Havanese/Maltese pup 

Travels?: a bunch in Asia, Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US, and once to Africa

Things you love? My family, friends, a fast ride down after a complex cycle up, the mountains. 

Things you fear? Rats!

Your best friend?  My husband, Timo 

Your bucket list? I've done many bucket list hikes in the Lower Mainland, saw some bucket list sights like the Colosseum and a Swiss mountainside, and done a bucket list two-day cycle for charity.

The most unusual thing in your office? A tambourine 

The car you drive?  Mazda CX-3 

Something you collect? Ball caps from places I've been