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Sunshine, Sushi and Australian Slang - Interview with Moira Guidon

Sunshine, Sushi and Australian Slang - Interview with Moira Guidon

Moira Guidon - Growth Manager

In another life, Moira, growth manager and organizational guru for Kaci is pretty sure she was a Broadway performer.  She loves listening to music, making music, talking with friends, going for walks, hiking, and playing board games with her husband. 

If she wasn’t so darn good at keeping the team at Kaci on track, managing all things social media and marketing, communicating with the team about tasks and schedules, assisting with grants, publishing the website, etc, she would probably be a member of an epic band, playing epic music. Clearly, she has a desire to perform!


When she is not working, she is busy creating upcycled paper envelopes to sell on her Etsy shop (@MoiraSylviShop) and considers her biggest career/work-related accomplishments selling her cards to a florist shop, and getting hired to letter a cafe’s menu on their wall.  This year she designed a unique hanging Christmas card for one of our Kaci clients, Sanctuary Mental Health, which was very well received. Other talents at Kaci include her organizational skills and excellent communication skills. 

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After graduating high school, Moira travelled to Queensland, Australia, to do a 6 month school with an organization called YWAM. She fell in love with Australia, the language, culture and the organization and ended up staying for 7 years! During that time she had the opportunity to take trips to Indonesia, India, Nepal, Myanmar, and Thailand, as well as an aide trip to the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan. Those 7 years changed her life.  “I met my husband, I became a beach person, and that little slice of heaven in Queensland will always have my heart.” 


8 years of leadership and team management as well as 3 years of registrar experience using CRM software including Salesforce and Zoho are some of the credentials that have prepared her for working in this current position. 

“The most inspiring part of my job is that  I love how  I can use my skills to help nonprofits and small businesses raise money for their cause. The clients we work with are awesome!”

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If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do? I'd start a wedding event business! But it depends on how big the lottery was!

If you could invent a holiday what would it involve? Sunshine, sushi and everyone giving their money or time to a charity of their choice for the day.

What is your most favourite word in the English Language? Anything Australian slang. (eg. Afternoon = Arvo, Avocado = Avo, How are you doing? = How ya going? etc…)

What is your favourite quote?  “Cling to joy: audacious and unbridled joy, that looks for light in everything even in your waiting.” - MHN

What are your top 3 favourite Podcasts/Books? Podcasts: That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs, The Road Back to You with Ian Morgan Cron. Book: To Know Her By Name - Lori Wick.

Favourite Clothing? I have a thing for sundresses and sweaters. Separate or together. 

Travel? I CANNOT WAIT for travel to start up again! 

What is your favourite line from your favourite movie? Oh my gosh impossible. My siblings and I quote movies all the time, but they wouldn’t necessarily be my favourite movies. The most noteworthy (quoteworthy) movies include The Incredibles, Brave, Finding Nemo, Pink Panther, and Madagascar.

Things you love?  Sushi, getting a tan, when a song hits you right between the eyes, laughing till I have to pee.

Things you fear? Cockroaches. Can’t deal. 

A favourite singer or group you love to dance to when you’re all alone in the living room? Here are my top 3 recommendations for solo dance parties:  What Is Love - Haddaway, I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Whitney Houston, Feel It Still - Portugal, The Man.

Your hairstyle? Currently growing out an undercut I’ve had for over 3 years. It’s a ton of fun. 

A nickname? Moi

Something you collect? Ribbons from gifts. 

Your hero? My parents.