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2 min read

Get to know Misti Hurst.

Get to know Misti Hurst.

In 1995 at the age of 18 Misti Hurst, Kaci writer and editor volunteered to go to Guyana, South America where she lived in a small hut for 3 months without electricity or running water and assisted in building a community center.  On the day she was to leave an extremely weathered old man took her hands in his and said, “I don’t know why someone like you from Canada, who has so much, would come here to this place (he said sweeping his hands around the tiny village of Bethany) and help us. You’ve given us so much. Thank you.” 


With tears streaming down her face she replied, “Ahhhhhhh, you have no idea, but it is you and this community who have given me so much.”  From them, she learned the value of service and helping others and a lifelong love of travel was born. 

Misti has been to 42 countries and has spent the last 15 years writing for motorcycle travel magazines, and coaching motorcycle riding worldwide.  In 2007/8 she campaigned as one of the only female professional motorcycle racers in a sea of male competitors.   Extensive travel (including a visit to Nepal with Himalayan Life), a degree in Child and Youth Care and fundraising for her motorcycle racing campaign have provided exceptional credentials and experience for working in her current position at Kaci. She has two kids ages 11 and 9 and tries to live by the motto; “Leap and the net will appear.”

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Misti can ride a motorcycle like a boss, has a black belt in Karate and Kickboxing and brings stories to life through creative writing and editing. Her biggest career or work-related accomplishment was her first Magazine cover photo/feature story but also being able to turn her passions into paying work.  “Motorcycle riding, coaching, travel, writing, children. Voila!”

“I love the clients we work for here at Kaci, and learning more about the good that they are creating in the world. I love translating experiences into meaningful stories that ultimately help people and communities around the world, and I enjoy meeting new people, learning about new cultures, and adventuring around the world.”








If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do? I'd start a sponsorship company that helps find money for young, up and coming motorcycle racers and athletes that don't have the same opportunities as others because they can't afford to buy the best equipment or attend all the races/events.

If you could invent a holiday what would it involve? It would definitely involve riding motorcycles, travelling and teaching, oh wait, I’ve had a couple of those!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? When I was 11 my dad gave me a pillowcase with the words, Follow your dreams.  A motorcycle coaching legend told me to “ask for what you want,” and a friend said, “Never try and make a happy baby happier.” All words to live by. 

What are your top 3 favourite books? Fugitive Pieces, The English Patient and Armour.

What is your favourite line from your favourite movie? “I’ve crossed oceans of time to be with you.” Bram Stoker’s Dracula. 

Things you love? My kids, friends and family, motorcycles, sports, travel, chocolate lava cake, whisky, boxers, wine, martial arts and good books. 

Things you fear? Horses. 

Your hairstyle? Messy, in a ponytail or under a toque or helmet. 

A nickname? Legend.

Something you collect? Memories and photos.  

Something you love to do but suck at? Singing. If I could be good at anything, it would be singing!

In another life, I'm pretty sure I was: A stunt woman! I’ve had a few little gigs but was always too busy.

Your bucket list: It’s a long list!  To achieve a black belt in jiu-jitsu, to visit as many countries in the world as I can, to publish a novel (or 10), to coach a young rider to the world championship, to try every kind of motorcycle riding possible, to take a year off and travel the world with my kids……

The most unusual thing in your office? A rusty red tailgate from a Ford pickup truck that I dragged out of the forest with my friend after passing it while dirt biking.  It just looked cool and I wanted it.