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Markku shares his travels, passions, and why he loves working at KACI

Markku shares his travels, passions, and why he loves working at KACI

Self-proclaimed outdoor fanatic KACI CEO, Markku Kostamo, shares about his travels, passions and why he loves working at KACI.

A self-proclaimed outdoor fanatic, Markku, also known as Ku or Tintin, believes that he was a mountaineer in another life. If he could invent a holiday, it would be called ‘Celebrate Outdoors,’ and people would be encouraged to spend time with friends and family in nature. He can often be found paddling canoes, camping in the wilderness, or taking his dog Blu for long walks. If he weren’t so darn good at his job, he’d probably be leading sailing, kayaking, and hiking trips in the summer and backcountry or cross country skiing trips in the winter. 


His favorite word in the English language is “Fantastic!” said with enthusiasm and gusto, and his most frequently used saying is, “Happy to chat!”  He also loves blueberries and saunas but apparently not at the same time.  Sure. 

Some cherished childhood memories for Markku include playing on the beaches in India and flying kites in Nepal, and some bucket list items involve hiking Machu Picchu and living on a sailboat for a summer. 

Markku is a forward-thinking, big-picture strategist that can visualize the final product, goal, or experience and intuitively know how to get there.  His most significant career or work-related accomplishment was helping to found A Rocha Canada and establish it as a nonprofit in Canada with 40 staff. He’s also pretty proud of growing his own consulting business here at KACI and the great people he gets to work with, especially the growth story writer, of course.  

Markku has been project managing and leading organizations for over 30 years. Within KACI, he engages with clients and prospective clients to help create strategy and come alongside our team as needed.  He also works with Sanctuary Mental Health as the Director, Development.


What he likes most about working as CEO for KACI is the people, specifically our team and our incredible and varied clients. His background has a lot to do with ecology and seeing things grow in the forest, so he is passionate about growth and opportunities for charities and nonprofits. The values that drive him are connecting, community, caring, and being constructive. 

If you wanted to  join our team of superstars, his advice would be to “bring yourself, laughter and initiative!” And if you asked him what his favourite part of working here is, he’d say, “I love connecting with clients and learning about their organizations. I also really love coming alongside leaders.” 


If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do? I’d start a Health and Wellbeing and Outdoor Adventure company.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?  Everyone gets hit by a train at least once in their life. What matters is how you choose to respond.

What do you fear? Snakes.

Favorite quote? “There is nothing to prove and nothing to protect. I am who I am, and it's enough.”― Fr. Richard Rohr

Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?  Everything Belongs - Richard Rohr, Tattoo’s on the Heart - Greg Boyle, Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien

Pets? A dog  named Blu

Clothing?  Anything Kuhl. 

Travels? 30 +countries in Asia, Europe, South America, and Africa

Your best friend? Dave, Carpenter, and Builder

Your bucket list? Hike Macha Pichu. Live on a sailboat for a summer. 

A favorite singer or group you love to dance to when you’re all alone in the living room? Simon and Garfunkel

Your hairstyle? Yo-yo -hair cut.

Your elevator pitch? If you aren’t growing, you are dead! 

The most unusual thing in your office? Binoculars to check out birds and wildlife.

The car you drive? Honda Civic/ Nissan Leaf

Something you collect? scars

Your hero? Saint Francis